Lucius Dobbson

Overview: Lucius is a 22-year-old college student living with his roommates and surviving his semester with his track scholarship. Lucius also holds some bizarre psychic powers that are controlled by his mysterious amulet, which he found in an abandoned warehouse. Still, magic isn't a toy, and the amulet sometimes seems to have an agenda of its own...

Personality: Lucius has an energetic and determined personality that is only halted by his extreme impulsiveness and stupidity. He is a kind person who never gives up, even when the odds are against him (and it probably would be smarter to give up sometimes). Lucius is not the most emotionally intelligent person and tends to repress his feelings or assume they are less complicated than they actually are. Lucius enjoys running for his college's track team, playing video games, and smoking pot.

Age: 22

Sexuality: Lucius is bisexual, but tries to convince himself he is completely straight. He's deeply supportive of his friends who are openly LGBT, but he is pretty deep in the closet and very shy and anxious about his repressed feelings for Joaquin.

Abilities: Lucius has psychic abilities, which include: levitation, telepathy, mind control, dream control, and pyrokinesis. All of this sounds very cool and impressive, but the truth is that he's far too inexperienced (and stupid) to use 90% of these powers, and he mostly only uses the telekinesis to get his tv remote. Lucius may use these other powers during highly stressful situations or when the amulet's influence over him is stronger than usual.

Lucius has a prosthetic left leg, which is the same color as the rest of his skin.